Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 17
- Wednesday, February 26
- Friday, February 28
- Friday, March 7
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, March 28
Your logo could be here. Contact us to be a sponsor today.
What do we do?
Our PTO helps Wolfe Elementary through volunteering and financial support for a number of activities at the school. These activities are designed to enhance our kids' normal curriculum with additional learning opportunities. We also organize events that build community for the Wolfe families. You are invited to join the PTO and be part of the effort to provide our students with the best place to learn and grow. Some of the activities we sponsor are:
Spring Carnival
Grandparents and Special Friends Lunch
Pastries with Parents
Birthday Book Club
Ice Cream Social
Red Ribbon Week
Field Day
Gingerbread House Week
Holiday Parties
School Yearbook
So Much More!
Wolfe PTO also provides financial support for teachers and staff. Teachers play a key role in the success of our organization. We acknowledge the valuable work our teachers and staff do for our kids. Wolfe PTO supports several different activities such as:
Classroom and School Volunteering
Library Volunteering
PEAR Reading
Staff Development and Financial Support
Teacher Spend Accounts
Teacher Appreciation Luncheons/Teacher Appreciation Week
As parents, teachers, staff, and business partners, we do so many things that greatly impact the students at Wolfe. It takes all of us to promote such a strong and healthy environment at the school and give our teachers and staff the resources they need for our students.
Why join the PTO?
Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!